How can I use the filter twice at different times in FFmpeg?

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To use the filter twice in FFmpeg, you can use the -vf (video filter graph) option multiple times. Each instance of -vf will apply a separate filter.

The -vf parameter in FFmpeg is used to define which video filters should be used while transcoding or processing a video stream. You can change and alter the video frames in a variety of ways.

Here’s an example of how you can apply two filters in FFmpeg:

ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -vf filter1,filter2 output.mp4

  • -i input.mp4: Indicates the input file.
  • output.mp4: Indicated the output file.
  • -vf: The -vf flag is a filter graph, which is a list of one or more filter chains separated by commas.

Or maybe this may help you: How to combine multiple filters in one command?

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