Hi! Here is the perfect answer to your query.
A mixture of JavaScript and HTML5 technologies can be used to convert an SRT (SubRip Subtitle) file to VTT (WebVTT Subtitle) format and add it to a video. These are the steps to accomplishing this:
1. SRT to VTT conversion
A small amount of content modification is required to convert an SRT file to VTT format. SRT and WebVTT are quite similar, however, WebVTT needs a particular header to be valid. Here is an illustration of how to convert the content of an SRT file to VTT format:
function srtToVtt(srtContent) {
// Replace " --> " with " -->\n" to match WebVTT format
const vttContent = srtContent.replace(/ --> /g, ' -->\n');
// Add the "WEBVTT" header to the beginning of the file
return "WEBVTT\n\n" + vttContent;
2. Download and add VTT to the video
Suppose your HTML file contains a video element that looks like this:
<video id="myVideo" controls>
<source src="path/to/video.mp4" type="video/mp4">
3. Let’s now use JavaScript to load the VTT subtitles and add them to the video element
function loadAndAppendVttToVideo(vttUrl) {
.then(response => response.text())
.then(vttContent => {
const vttBlob = new Blob([vttContent], { type: 'text/vtt' });
const vttUrl = URL.createObjectURL(vttBlob);
const videoElement = document.getElementById('myVideo');
const track = document.createElement('track');
track.kind = 'subtitles';
track.label = 'English';
track.srclang = 'en';
track.src = vttUrl;
track.default = true;
.catch(error => {
console.error('Error loading or appending VTT file:', error);
// Usage
const srtUrl = 'path/to/subtitles.srt';
const vttUrl = 'path/to/subtitles.vtt';
.then(response => response.text())
.then(srtContent => {
const vttContent = srtToVtt(srtContent);
const vttBlob = new Blob([vttContent], { type: 'text/vtt' });
const vttFile = new File([vttBlob], 'subtitles.vtt', { type: 'text/vtt' });
// You can optionally save the VTT file if needed
// Load and append VTT to video
.catch(error => {
console.error('Error loading or converting SRT file:', error);
If you need to save the created VTT file to the user’s device for whatever reason, you can use the saveVttFile
function in the piece of code above. Adding the VTT to the video element is not required.
Make sure the correct URLs are used to access your video file, the SRT and VTT subtitle files, and both. The VTT subtitles should be added to the video when the website loads and viewers will be able to switch between the subtitles using the controls for the video player.
Find more related to SRT here: