10-second rewind?

I can’t seem to find the “rewind 10-seconds” and fast-forward during video playback in the Player. Certainly there must be this functionality, right? Please assist and thank you!

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Welcome to our community. Our team will shortly get back to you soon with a solution.

Thank you

@texasmarketingassoci - You can fast-forward or rewind a video by pressing arrow keys. The functionality is supported.

As of now, there is no visual feedback when the video is forwarded. I’ve updated our product teams about it and we should hear back from them soon.

Give it a try and let me know if you have further questions.

@texasmarketingassoci can you share your video page URL or asset ID? You can also share the details with our chat support. We will get back to you soon.

Yes, will share with Chat. Viewers seeing video on tablet an/or mobile device do not have arrow keys to skip ahead and/or rewind video playback.

We have encountered the same issue: we discovered that Android users do not have access to a fast-forward function and only iOS users have this. This is a significant drawback, especially considering the dominance of the Android market. Is it possible to fix this issue? Thank you!