Can JPEG XL become the next free and open image format?

JPEG XL has been receiving more attention as a possible image format because of its claims of effective compression and excellent image quality. Can it, however, really take off as the next widely used open-source, free-image format?
Will it become popular enough to rival or perhaps outperform current formats like JPEG and PNG? What are the benefits it offers over other image formats, and what are the issues that might impact its adoption? I’d be interested in knowing what the community thinks about JPEG XL’s possible future as a freely available image format.


Hey John!

It is likely that JPEG XL will emerge as the next popular free and open image format. Its open-source nature, effective compression, and contemporary features all meet the demands of the current digital environment. Its success, though, will rely on user awareness, software suppliers’ cooperation, and ongoing development.

With its attractive blend of effective compression and excellent image quality, JPEG XL is a fascinating advancement in the field of image formats.
However, there are a number of things to take into account on its path to becoming the next widely used free and open picture format:

1. Benefits of JPEG XL

Effective Compression

JPEG XL provides effective compression, minimizing file sizes without sacrificing image quality. This is necessary for better bandwidth utilization, less storage space needed, and quicker loading times, particularly on the internet.


JPEG XL enables lossless compression in addition to lossy compression. Because of this, it can be used for a variety of tasks, such as archiving and online graphics.

Free and Open

JPEG XL’s openness is one of its main advantages. It is free of licensing costs and limitations because it is open-source and royalty-free. This promotes broader adoption.


It is a key consideration in the creation of JPEG XL. It is appropriate for a variety of applications because it supports features like animations, transparency, and metadata.


It has a significant advantage over older formats like JPEG and PNG since it uses cutting-edge picture compression and contemporary coding approaches.

2. Challenges in Adoption

Legacy Formats

JPEG and PNG have a strong hold on current technology, software, and workflows. A new format’s adoption requires time and may encounter resistance.

Browser and Applications Support

The degree to which a format is supported by widely used applications and browsers is a determining factor in its widespread acceptance. The likelihood of JPEG XL being adopted increases with its level of support.

User Awareness

It’s possible that many users and content producers are unaware of JPEG XL. In order to make the format more widespread, it is imperative that its advantages be promoted.

Compression Standards

JPEG XL’s ability to become a generally recognized industry standard will determine how well it succeeds.

I hope this may help you. Thank you


Thank you for the exaplanation.

But, how does JPEG XL stack up against other contemporary picture formats, such as WebP like what makes it unique, and are there any particular benefits that make it a superior option for some applications?


See, JPEG XL and WebP are contemporary image formats made to offer excellent image quality and effective compression. Despite their similarities, JPEG XL has a few benefits.
It is renowned for its progressive decoding and lossless compression capabilities, which enable a larger range of use cases, including archive applications.
Furthermore, JPEG XL is royalty-free and open-source, making it an appealing option for a wide range of applications.

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Is JPEG XL supported in popular image editing and viewing programmes? How can I start using it for my images?

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Yes, Reena
Software that supports the JPEG XL format is required in order to begin using it. It is imperative to confirm if the picture editing and viewing software of your choice includes built-in JPEG XL capability.

More apps might add support for the format as it becomes more popular. However, check the most recent software provider updates or pay a visit to the official JPEG XL website to ensure compatibility as of right now.

Recall that the degree of JPEG XL’s inclusion into widely used technologies determines how well it is adopted. The format’s uptake and expansion can also be aided by your proactive use and endorsement of it.
