All my embedded videos suddenly are showing “Sorry, this video is only accessible from the dashboard.” with a request ID. This just started today and we had not changed anything. They had been working for months and now they are not.
have checked those settings and they are correct. I even tried setting the collection to Unlisted, no change, accessing from multiple IP addresses with different devices and browsers.
Client and client’s users are experiencing the same problem (and are very unhappy about it!).
I reached out to help via the chat, but trying to see if others are having a similar issue today.
I received this reply from the help chat:
“We are aware of this issue and our tech team working on it to resolve this as soon as possible. We apologise for the inconvenience caused. We will update at the earliest. We appreciate your patience.
Thank you!”
The problem is, I am at risk of our losing our biggest and most profitable client due to this outage. I need an ETA on a fix because this could cost us a huge amount of our annual revenue.
If it isn’t going to be fixed in the next few hours, I need to just shift everything back to Vimeo and get a refund on the Gumlet LTD.
Video streaming providers MUST be reliable. This is killing us.
This is just crazy. The core functionality of Gumlet is broken and I can’t get any kind of an ETA or meaningful reply from the customer service chat and there’s absolutely no reply or acknowledgement of the issue in the community forums.
This was fixed. The issue was one of your collections had a video privacy setting set as “Private”. We recently released a change where “Private” videos can’t be accessed by anyone as they should have been from the start.
We just switched the video collection to “Unlisted” privacy, which means only embedded videos are visible to non-logged-in users.
I am the technical lead for this issue at Basis Publishing.
This issue is not fixed. All of the videos are still showing the same error.
I had already set the collection to Unlisted when this error first showed up and it made no difference. And it still doesn’t make any difference.
Every video on the site is still returning the only available on dashboard error.
This has been an epic catastrophe and is 100% the fault of Gumlet. The insanely slow and ineffectual response from support has only compounded the issue. Whatever is going on in Gumlet that is leading to these issues is going to make it impossible for any serious business to use the service.
The chat help replies took multiple hours and contradicted the replies here. We provided login info to the account and lots of details and got nothing back that actually helped us. Mostly just boilerplate responses.
This morning about 4/5 of the embedded videos worked, but 1/5 did not.
A couple days ago 100% of our embedded videos worked and had been working fine for months.
As a result of this, our videos were offline over 12 hours, which is way too much downtime for us. We cannot tolerate that kind of downtime.
I wish Gumlet well, but strongly recommend the Gumlet team look at two core problems that will impede their growth and even survival:
Customer service is insanely slow and very poor quality, especially when dealing with a total outage of a customer’s videos. Multiple hours between responses from customer service when dealing with an outage is simply unacceptable. Having those responses do pretty much zero to resolve our issue is equally bad.
Service reliability. Features and add-ons are nice, but if Gumlet cannot reliably deliver video every day, then they aren’t a professional service and cannot be used by any serious business. Having all of our videos down over 12 hours is crazy, and then still having 20% of them down after 24 hours is flatly unprofessional.
We have refunded our account and moved to another provider.