Ep #01: How to build video-first startup in 2023

In our very first episode of Tech Talk with Gumlet, we have gathered 4 leaders who have built and scaled exemplary video first companies in 2022:

  • Manu Raghavan (Head of Engineering, GrowthSchool)
  • Ravneet Singh (Co-Founder & CTO, Wagmi)
  • Suraj Sharma (Product & Engg Head, CodeChef)
  • Kaizad Hansotia (Founder & CEO, SWIRL)

Let’s dive deep into ins and outs of how to start and grow a successful video first business in 2023.


Very insightful and helpful discussion :sparkles: :bulb: :sparkles:


Great talk, packed with information.


Great to see prominent leaders sharing their secret sauce in building a successful video-first startup! Thanks!


Loved the discussions, very helpful!


I especially liked Manu’s prompt answer to Aditya’s question: When does a company outgrow no-code?

Manu responded with - “When the company gets funded”. That’s so true! :sweat_smile:

I’ve had the opportunity to work with WordPress and few other no-code tools. With a great ecosystem of plugins and themes; you can easily customize it to your need.

Not many people know that WordPress has a hidden magical feature called post types. It lets you infinitely customise WordPress. Use it to create “jobs”, “events”, “profiles” or use it to create real-time chat messages.

If you feel the need to outgrow no-code; you better have a use-case to justify building a custom solution. I’ve seen customized WordPress operating at 5K-8K simultaneous visitors running on a $40/mo VPS.

No code is here to stay; and rule!