Gumlet Videos on iPhone Fullscreen Help

Hey guys, I love the platform but none of my embedded videos toggle full-screen on mobile iphones. The share URL’s and playback URL’s work fine for fullscreen but the embed videos don’t open fullscreen when you press the fullscreen icon on mobile iPhone. I’ve done some research and it seems that other people are experiencing the same issue with fullscreen and Gumlet videos on phones. I’ve personally embedded on a few different sites and page builders to see if the problem could be resolved but I’ve had no luck. Most of my audience accesses my content in my Academy using mobile devices. Since I do educational videos, it’s important that they can use fullscreen to see the content. How can I solve this issue? Thank you


Hi @anthonybaxtonfineart - welcome to Gumlet. I’m sorry for the inconvenience you are facing. I’ve tagged a member of my technical team and they should assist you in some time.


Awesome. Thank you very much

Hi there,
Have this been solved?

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@Diogo_Garcia, this is a known issue. Our tech team is working to resolve this issue. This might take more time than expected.

We will keep you posted about the updates.

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