Gumlet videos on Thrive cart no playing. Unable to download the videos

Hello, I am trying to use Gumlet videos to place on my course on ThriveCart and in the Landing pages. They were working fine until some months ago, but now ThriveCart is not reading them. Is it possible to download my videos on Gumlet? How to do that?

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@RRRSPIRIT - welcome to Gumlet community. A member from our engineering team is looking into the issue and will respond to you shortly.

@RRRSPIRIT, can you share the temporary access to your account with us on chat support for us to check in, along with the page URL where you’re embedding this?

This will help us identify and resolve it faster. I remember a couple of users are using it on ThriveCart without any issues.

Thanks. I will. I was using it without issues. But now it is not working any longer.

@RRRSPIRIT, there were some issues related to the embedded code that you’re copying. We have fixed that and also replied to your chat on chat support.