How can I determine which working React component was last seen in the viewport?

My aim is to be able to identify which video the user last viewed in the viewport. Up until the point when I converted the videos into useful React components, this was functioning but unable how can I find it or track it. I will be very thankful if someone helps me with this.

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One useful feature for many apps is the ability to determine which video the user last viewed in the viewport, particularly when using React components.
Here’s an overview of how to track the last seen video in the viewport, while the particular implementation may differ based on your use case and how your videos fit into your React application:

1. Use Intersection Observer

To begin, make use of the Intersection Observer API, which lets you keep track of when components come and go from the viewport.
Build React Video Elements:

2. Transform your videos into React elements

Every one of these parts ought to contain a video element and control its properties and states.

3. State Administration

You must control the application’s state to track the most recent video that was seen. UseState and useEffect, React’s built-in state management tools, or look into more sophisticated alternatives like Redux, MobX, or the Context API.

4. Put Intersection Observer in Place

Apply the Intersection Observer on every aspect of the video. Update the application’s state whenever a video component appears in the viewport so that it can capture the reference to that particular video element or its unique identifier (such as video ID or URL)

// Sample Intersection Observer implementation
const handleIntersection = (entries) => {
  entries.forEach((entry) => {
    if (entry.isIntersecting) {
      // Update the state with the identifier of the last viewed video

5. Set up the Component Mount

Configure the Intersection Observer inside a useEffect in your video component. By doing this, it is ensured that the matching video element is being observed by the Intersection Observer.

useEffect(() => {
  const observer = new IntersectionObserver(handleIntersection, options);
  return () => {
}, []);

6. Get to the Most Recent Video Viewed

You can quickly retrieve the last watched video component or its identifier from anywhere in your React application because the state is changed as video components enter the viewport.

7. Optional Duration of State

If you want to save the most recent video you viewed, even when the page refreshes or the user returns to the program, you should look into server-side solutions for saving and retrieving the latest viewed video data, or you can use browser storage techniques like localStorage.

8. Integration of React Router (If Applicable)

Make sure that the state administration and Intersection Observer logic can adapt to route changes if the app uses React Router for navigation.

In summary, you can correctly determine the last seen video in the viewport by using the Intersection Observer to monitor the visibility of your video components and by handling the application’s state in your React components. This feature, which remembers video progress or provides personalized recommendations based on viewing history, can significantly improve user experiences.