How to decrypt a simple AES encrypted HLS/MPEG-DASH video stream using FFmpeg?

I have one HLS video stream with simple AES-128 encryption and I want to decrypt the video content, and don’t want to do the process for all segments and resolutions individually, is there any way I can decrypt the video using FFmpeg?


Hi Lvan,

If the video stream is encrypted with simple AES-128 standard and the key server URL provided in manifest files (.m3u8/.mpd) is accessible without any additional authentication then FFmpeg should be able to fetch keys and decrypt media automatically, there are no additional flags or parameters are required for this. Consider the following example.

ffmpeg -i <AEcS-128 encrypted HLS/MPEG-DASH stream> -map 0:v -map 0:a -c copy -f mp4 output.mp4

If you have some authentication/security headers for a video like cookies and referer then you can add that header with -cookies and -referer parameter before input parameter -i in the above command.


Thanks for your response.


How can clients ensure that end users are able to decode and view content using FFmpeg or equivalent tools, while still securely distributing AES-encrypted HLS and MPEG-DASH video streams to them?

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@reena Customers can give authorized users access to both the encrypted video material and the decryption key independently. By giving the decryption key throughout the process, users can use FFmpeg or other compatible programs to decrypt and play the content.

By using this method, content may be distributed securely and seen on devices by authorized viewers who can decrypt and enjoy it. For a flawless user experience, distribution strategies and decryption key security must be properly managed.

I hope this may help you, let me know if you have further queries.

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Got it! but then how can we ensure that our premium content, delivered through AES-encrypted video streams, remains secure while allowing our customers to decrypt and view it using FFmpeg or similar tools?

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For that, we can put in place a strong access control system, safe decryption key storage, and a safe method of distributing keys to clients to preserve content security. Customers who supply approved decryption keys can use FFmpeg or other compatible programs to decrypt the content.

This strategy makes sure that users access and securely view the premium stuff they have paid for while maintaining content security.