How to sort videos in the channel

Hello, I uploaded 6 videos from a desktop folder. However some videos that are smaller in size are uploaded immediately, and the bigger size videos took some time to get uploaded. The videos are not in the correct sequential order when the channel becomes live. How to sort videos in the ordered list?

Hi @Anu_Nag, the videos are defaulted to the order of upload time in descending order, i.e., the latest to the old video.

We are working on a playlist experience. Once launched, the videos can be sorted in multiple order (upload time, alphabetically). Meanwhile, you can upload the videos in the correct order (maybe one by 1). I can understand it can be frustrating, but that is the only solution for now.

Stay tuned.

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Thanks @akbansa , Will I be able to sort out previously uploaded videos in the corrected order once the playlist order update has been implemented?

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@Anu_Nag, you can sort out videos alphabetically and upload time.

However, we are also considering custom ordering, that might take some time for us to launch.