Is it possible to stream chunks from a mpegts video file to VLC Player if so, then how I can format UDP packets in MPEG-TS format?

I’m actively looking for a thorough explanation of the underlying structure within MPEG-TS encoded UDP packets because my project uses VLC Player to transmit MPEG-TS video over UDP. My goal is to fully comprehend the complex structure of these UDP packets that include MPEG-TS content, including the headers and data segments.
The effective completion of my project depends on this information, thus I’m keen to understand the technical nuances involved. I need a detailed explanation of the MPEG-TS encoded UDP packets’ structure. The technical knowledge and skills in this subject are highly regarded and essential to the development of my project.

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Yes, it is possible to stream segments of an MPEG-TS (MPEG Transport Stream) video file to a VLC Player using UDP. A popular video streaming format, particularly across networks, is MPEG-TS. To achieve accurate packetization and transmission, precise standards must be observed while formatting UDP packets for the MPEG-TS structure.

Here is a general guide for configuring MPEG-TS video file chunk streaming via UDP to VLC Player:

1. Make the video file ready.

  • Verify that the MPEG-TS encoding on your video is active. If you need help, you might need to use the appropriate software to convert it to MPEG-TS format.
  • Organize your video into manageable chunks, sometimes known as segments or packets. These chunks will be transmitted as separate UDP packets.

2. UDP Packet Formation

  • The MPEG-TS standard separates the content into fixed-size packets called transport packets or TS packets.
  • Each TS packet has an exact size of 188 bytes and is made up of a 4-byte header and 184 bytes of content.
  • A packet identifier and synchronization data are both contained in the header.
  • Packetize your video content into these TS packets accurately.

3. Transmission of UDP Packets

  • Use a specialist streaming tool or a computer language like Python to send the TS packets via UDP.
  • In Python, you may create and send UDP packets using modules like Socket. Each packet should contain TS packet data.

Here is an example of how to use Python to deliver MPEG-TS packets over UDP:

import socket

# Configure UDP connection
udp_ip = ""  # Destination IP address (VLC player's IP)
udp_port = 1234      # Destination UDP port
sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)

# Read and dispatch TS packets
with open("segment1.ts", "rb") as ts_file:
    while True:
        ts_packet =  # Read 188 bytes (one TS packet)
        if not ts_packet:
        sock.sendto(ts_packet, (udp_ip, udp_port))


4. VLC Player Setup

  • Open VLC Player\
  • Navigate to Media > Open Network Stream.
  • Input the UDP stream URL in this pattern: udp://@:1234, where 1234 represents the UDP port used for packet transmission.

It should be noted that this is a simplistic example and those real-world situations would include error handling, appropriate synchronization, and possibly more sophisticated streaming features, such as managing numerous segments and adjusting playback timelines.

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Thank you Gumlet community for providing detailed answer.

Want to know are there considerations or challenges when streaming MPEG-TS video chunks via UDP to VLC Player that should be addressed for optimal performance?

Yes, Reena!

There are certain factors to take into account for the best possible performance when streaming MPEG-TS video chunks to a VLC Player via UDP. First, in order to handle possible packet loss or network interruptions, error-handling procedures ought to be put in place. To ensure playback continuity, video chunks must be synchronized with one another.

Furthermore, complex capabilities like adaptive streaming, managing numerous video segments, and modifying playback timelines might be required in real-world situations. Other factors to take into account are proper port configurations and effective use of network capacity. Through the resolution of these variables, the stability and efficiency of the streaming procedure can be improved, guaranteeing a flawless visual experience on the VLC Player.

I hope this clear your doubts, do let me know if you have more questions related to this.

Then, how can dynamic or changing visual content be accommodated when streaming MPEG-TS video chunks, and does the method for formatting UDP packets need to be adjusted?

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Well, packetization and synchronization issues must be taken into account when streaming MPEG-TS video chunks that accommodate dynamic or changing visual material. It could be necessary to modify the UDP packet formatting technique to accommodate different content layouts.

For example, the packetization approach might have to change if the video material alternates between several aspect ratios or resolutions on the go. A more responsive and seamless viewing experience can be achieved by implementing adaptive streaming solutions, where alternative versions of video chunks are accessible for varied conditions.

Modifications to the packet formatting technique could involve using dynamic packet size allocation algorithms to properly handle shifting content complexity or adding metadata to indicate changes in visual attributes.

Great! Thank you for providing me detailed answers.