SEO optimized video embeds

We released a new meta tag, indexifembedded, which ensures videos embedded on your website are indexed under your own domain. This provides a huge SEO boost for your web pages.

We also added support for VideoObject structured data right inside the iframe, so Google can better understand your videos and improve their search visibility.

More details here: SEO Updates to Video Embeds - Gumlet


Hi I cannot access my account:, please rectify
I’m the sole user

Marek Zaleski

Hi @Marek_Z, you can reset your password using this link - Forgot Password - Gumlet

Let us know if you need any help.

Hello Anshul Bansal,

I do not know @Marke_Z and have not requested a password reset. Can you please give me a quick info so that I understand the situation?

Thanks in advance.


This is a phishing attack.

Please do not do anything he says.

I have no idea who @Marke_Z and I have request no changes.
I think it’s a phishing’s attack

on the way… ¶