Save the RTSP (Real-Time Streaming Protocol) stream to file can be done by adjusting the buffer size used by ffmpeg.
You can do this by adding the -rtsp_transport tcp option to your command, which will cause ffmpeg to use TCP to receive the stream, rather than UDP.
This can help to improve the stability of the stream by reducing packet loss.
Another option is to use the below command:
ffmpeg -i rtsp://url_of_stream -c copy output.mp4
-i rtsp://url_of_stream is the input RTSP stream URL. You have to replace the url_of_stream with the actual URL of the RTSP stream you wish to save.
-c copy copies the audio and video streams without re-encoding, making sure fast and lossless process.
output.mp4 is the output file where the RTSP stream will be saved. You can specify the desired filename and extension (e.g., output.mp4 for an MP4 file).
Ensure that your system’s PATH environment variable has FFmpeg accessible and correctly installed. The RTSP stream URL you want to save should be substituted for url_of_stream, along with the desired output file name and extension.
This command will cause FFmpeg to save the RTSP stream to the designated output file. The audio and video data from the RTSP stream will be included in the output file in the same format and quality as the source stream.
Here is the detailed article written by our team member: RTSP vs RTMP