What is the best way to measure "Watch Time" on a video platform?

I own a video-sharing service and try to keep track of how long videos are viewed in order to give my customers more recommendations. I’m curious about how the data is stored for analytics.
Could someone please tell me the best way to go about doing this?

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Hey James!

An efficient way to track video views for analytics in a video-sharing platform is to combine data storage, backend processing, and event tracking. Using analytics tools like Google Analytics or custom event tracking solutions, you would first add event tracking, recording user interactions such as video starts, pauses, resumes, and completions. It is essential to incorporate this data with your backend as soon as an event takes place. Relevant data, like video ID, user ID, and timestamp, should be sent to your server for processing when users interact with videos.

Next, put in place a reliable data storage system. Create a special database table with fields for video ID, user ID, timestamp, and event type to hold analytics data. The organized methodology enables effective retrieval and examination of the gathered data. Think about the privacy issues as well. Make sure that data-gathering procedures comply with laws and regulations. Include features like opt-in consent and make sure user data is anonymized or pseudonymized.

Thinking beyond gathering data, consider the necessity of aggregated metrics. Calculate useful metrics such as total view time, and average watch duration, and identify the most popular videos by utilizing the stored data. Understanding user behavior and customizing recommendations based on viewing preferences are made possible with the use of this data. Scalability is an important consideration when building your analytics system so that it can accommodate growing traffic and continue to function as your user base grows.

Security precautions must not be disregarded. To protect the gathered data, use encryption both while data is in transit and at rest, set up strong access controls, and carry out frequent security audits. Think about offering APIs for third-party integrations so that partners or content producers can access analytics information for their videos, adding functionality. An intuitive dashboard can enable administrators and content creators to see data patterns and make well-informed choices about their content strategy. Real-time analytics components improve the user experience by providing instant insights.