Whitelist Refererres not working

Hi there,

I’m a creator and my paid for Patreon only content has been Illegally distributed through public sites. So I’m in the market for a video hosting site that only allows video URL’s to be played from a specific referrer. In this case Patreon’s URL, if the link is clicked anywhere else, the video simply would not play.

I’ve been playing around with the Whitelist Referrers for a couple of hours now and it just doesn’t seem to work as intended. I’ve added the URL patreon.com as well as other variations to this (https://www.patreon.com) but the video will never play and would say that the request is coming from a restricted domain.

Please help on this issue or if there’s a different method I should try

HLS + Dash option is selected

Thank you!

Hi @Clicky

Thanks for sharing the details. We checked the Patreon platform embed functionality. If you use whitelist referrers in your video security settings, add cdn.embedly.com along with www.patreon.com domain in the settings.

Check this:

Just so you know, all websites/apps that use embedly integration to parse Embed data, can play these secure videos.

Let me know if you have more questions.


Thank you for your help!

So there’s nothing really I can do about this? Despite only allowing Patreon to access the link it’s still possible for other websites to use the link and play the video.

If other websites use Embedly SDK/plugin to show Embed. Patreon uses Embedly.

It’s like an iframe inside another iframe.

I see thank you. I have changed the whitelist to “www.patreon.com,cdn.embedly.com” And that still doesn’t work and I’m getting the " Sorry, the domain you are trying to access this video from is not authorized.

(Request ID: 6796f1009adc85447fc70e1b)" Error text again, when trying to open the link. Any help?

Can you invite me anshul@gumlet.com and share the post URL so that I can check?

Sometime, it may take 10-15 minutes to see the updates.


I don’t think It allows me to invite people as it’s out of my membership plan.

You can try a different video from the same collection to confirm the changes you made. Anyway, the cache time has passed for the settings you updated. The current video shall be playable. You can re-embed the same video again

Hi - Does this not work with the URL share? As that’s what I’ve been using. Not embedding

Or is there a way to Blacklist a referrer/URL from accessing the video?

Blacklisting is not possible.

I have added the restrictions here - https://www.patreon.com/posts/checking-videos-120860248 and it works. And it does not play on the standalone page even - Video page

Hi - Perfect thanks! I think I was handling it wrong. As I usually send it as a URL link to the Gumlet video site, and not just to uploading the embed file to Patreon. I’ll give this method a try.

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