Why is audio not loading when I direct link to .mp4 file?


I’m linking directly to my .mp4 video on the following link https://video.gumlet.io/648aeaf721ef132a2966e276/648aed07349d3090dd0a5ff4/648aed07349d3090dd0a5ff4_0_1080p.mp4 but the audio is not loading.

How can I make it work?

Thank you


Welcome to Gumlet community, @user4 . I’ve informed our tech team and they should help you out shortly.

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Hi @user4, you have processed your video using HLS format so your video playback URL is https://video.gumlet.io/648aeaf721ef132a2966e276/648aed07349d3090dd0a5ff4/main.m3u8 and not the one which you are referencing to. Please use the playback I provided here or copy the video embed code from the Gumlet CMS and you will get the audio stream.



Ohh I see… my mistake.

By the way, is it possible to have different video qualities with .mp4 like we have with HLS?

And what happens when I use the 1080p video on mobile? Do Gumlet use a version with less quality to avoid large download data on mobile (this video has 90mb total)?

Thank you for prompt reply.


Hi @user4 ,

With mp4 format, it is not possible to get different video resolutions, you will only get the video in the same dimension as your original video.

If you use ABR (Adaptive Bitrate Format) then on mobile devices user will get the quality that is playable smoothly based device’s available bandwidth (size).



Hi @yashpatadia,

Thanks for your reply. I’m using html5 video tag to include a video as background on various websites. Can you send me any links for documentation on ABR please?

By the way, do you know if Vimeo does ABR on their side when linking directly to .mp4 files? (I’m currently using their service).

Thank you

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